The Fascination of Furniture Design
Design orientates itself towards people and their various needs. These range from the physical and psychological to the demands made by the human mind its concrete environment.
To do this, design does not simply follow ist own rules and intentions, but must above all consider the interests of those people it seeks to serve.
Ever since we founded the company, we have been trying to improve a little each day andto achieve something unique. For this reason, we trust in an number of highly-qualified specialists.
We have set ourselves the challenge of finding the perfect solution to even highly complex tasks, while keeping the user in mind. Hence we are able to offer you the best, but not the most expensive, solution. Our most foremost objective is the creation of hand-crafted, one-o-a-kind pieces offering a corresponding degree of comfort – and of course timeless and durable products.
„We give you tomorrow´s antiques today.“
Thomas N. Bock is your personal contact. Thanks to his experience, also in commercial and interior design matters, he knows precisely what clients are looking for and has the necessary creative and artistic know-how – a fact which is especially appreciated by our contract furnishing clients. With regard to sales, after many years spent working for the wellknown New Yorker design label DONGHIA, he has a thorough knowledge of the company and consequently of this business sector.
„Standing on a conveyor belt, that´s work. What I do, is recreational design with a professional backround.” (Quote: Karl Lagerfeld)